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Smart Homes Are Dumb

Smart homes are dumb. There, I said it.I'm sure those involved in the nearly $1.5 billion dollar-a-year connected-home technology business in the United States won't be happy with my statement, but I'm sticking to my guns. So-called smart technology is not your friend.I know, I know. There are ...

U.S. needs partners to stop power grabs

China's economic and military rise is now generally seen as hostile to the interests of the United States. The problem is complicated, however, by China's clever exploitation of rising nationalist and anti-globalist sentiment in the United States.While the Trump administration has worked to ...

Roseanne’s actions no surprise

In Hollywood, money trumps morals – that dirty little secret goes without question.But following the revelations about some of Hollywood’s power players that surfaced in recent months, the decision to hire those with questionable morals such as actress Roseanne Barr should have raised a red ...

NFL National Anthem policy reasonable middle ground

Because of a new rule adopted by team owners, the issue of protest by NFL players during the national anthem will be in the spotlight again this season.Unanimously, owners last month approved a policy under which players will be required to stand if they are on the field during the anthem, but ...

We Already Knew This About Roseanne Barr

It was the fall of 1989. Or maybe the following spring. I remember the rising heat in the room but not the season outside the windows.I was one of the few non-lawyers in the packed house, feeling conspicuous in my bright new blazer. I kept catching myself swaying as if my baby were on my hip, ...

Readers React

<em>Law enforcement agencies in Utah currently have more than 600 vacancies, causing concern for government officials. Here is how you, our reader, reacted to our story posted on our Facebook page. All comments are taken verbatim.</em>Steel Walker: One reason is that ...