Letter: Pollution in the city of South Weber
For years I served as the City of South Weber’s representative on Hill Air Force Base’s Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) and its representative with the Army Corps of Engineers as it too defined the spread of the Base’s pollution throughout the western portion of our valley. Those efforts showed that its pollution contaminated most properties north/northeast of the Base’s boundary to the Weber River and some contended even farther north and west from there.
As the Base’s contamination from its largest pollution site, Operable Unit One (OU1), flowed through our properties on its way to pollute others, our attorneys advised us to do everything we could to eliminate this Superfund problem. All current and prior owners of such polluted properties are defined by Federal environmental law as Potential Responsible Parties (PRPs) with all the duties and strict potential liabilities that this entails. Accordingly, we hired a Technical Advisor (Dr. John Carter). With his assistance, we strived for over 24 years (with 96 distributed reports) with the goal of convincing HAFB/UDEQ/EPA to make strong remedial choices from available remedial alternatives. Nevertheless, we were unsuccessful. HAFB/UDEQ/EPA instead selected a cheap/ineffectual remedial choice in 1998 which they collectively projected would eliminate this pollution by “some uncertain timeframe” expected to “be in 2010.” When success was not realized by 2010, they just collectively moved the goalposts in their 2015 Statement of Significant Differences to “some uncertain timeframe” then expected to “be in the 2040s.”
The above history is well-documented. We’ve provided City officials with each of our quarterly reports plus frequent updates. We appreciate the City’s displeasure with the feeble remedial choices made by HAFB/UDEQ/EPA which continue to adversely affect our valley. However, their failure does not justify the City’s gross misconduct of creating new polluted subdivisions now being loaded with new Potential Responsible Parties and many more new human pollution receptors (largely vulnerable children). If the City has an explanation or excuse for such inexplicable decision-making, such should be shared with everyone affected.
Brent Poll
South Weber