Letter: Presidential immunity rulings flaunt freedom
The ladies of The View all agree that “This is a free country.” For example, a country singer can sing at a Presidential Inauguration if she wants to.
The ladies are wrong about one of those two things. America is no longer a free country. Today, we use violence and intimidation to motivate people’s actions rather than reason and gentle persuasion. That is not freedom, that is force.
In a republic, i.e. a democracy, the Constitution is the document that defines freedom. Our politicians no longer read, study, or “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.”
The Constitution does not allow our president to be endowed with the same privileges of immunity given to divinely appointed kings during medieval times. The Constitution explicitly prohibits any privileges of nobility. Our Department of Justice cannot bestow any such privilege, and neither can our Supreme Court. Yet both have illegally sidestepped the amendment process of the United States Constitution and done so by force.
Our Constitution does not prohibit the prosecution of a sitting President, unless we first bring a crown and a purple robe to his inauguration.
Robert Kimball Shinkoskey
Woods Cross