Letter: Kids, elderly going hungry because of EBT theft
People who count on programs like the EBT/food programs to help tide their families from pay check to pay check, are now going hungry. The state is no longer helping replace the food stamps being stolen from Utah residents. I am on the older side of life, struggling to get by month after month on disability. After having had my trailer home taken from me by a huge corporate company a few years back, I am now struggling to get by after my EBT account has been hacked not once but twice now in the last four months. I count on the help to get me from month to month as part of my grocery income. The first time it happened my EBT statement said it happened in a store in Pa. I called the department of workforce services as soon as I saw it. Which was 9am the morning they had dispersed them, I was told there would be an investigation and I’d be notified. That is when they told me it was not due to any fault of mine and they would reissue them. Well this month it happened once again but it was in NY this time and that I was just out of luck. Yes they knew it was still happening and they stoped replacing the stolen EBTs in December!! Regardless that the thefts are still happening. What is really going on here?
Tonya Rotunda