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Letter: Objection to cartoon demeaning President Biden

Jan 7, 2025

I was deeply offended by the cartoon in the Standard Examiner the other day, awarding President Biden the worst president award. In my experience, Biden has been one of the strongest and most influential presidents of my life. Not only has he brought dignity to the nation as he rallied support nationwide for Ukraine, but once again created a positive dialogue with many foreign leaders. He has orchestrated an investment in infrastructure across our nation to supply clean water to many, clean up our air, and pushed for more union jobs and jobs in green energies that far surpass fossil fuel extractions. He has set us on the road to cleaner cars, and helped repair damaged bridges. The list goes on and on. And he has done it all without lying, without insulting anyone, and without claiming things are true that are not. I haven’t liked everything he has done, but I have never been ashamed of my fellow Americans for choosing him. His integrity and experience have made great contributions to our nation, and though they may not be showy or even things we will notice, they will make us healthier, safer and wealthier if they are not undone by the next administration.

Patty Becnel
