Letter: Musings of a conservative
Kudos to Governor Cox for seeking to end the Social Security Tax. As he has pointed out, Utah is one of only 8 states who still tax this earned and saved for benefit to Seniors. Social programs should not be run on the backs of our Senior citizens, and it makes no sense to tax this already heavily taxed segment of our people on the earnings they paid for over the length of their working careers.
Those who protest President Trump’s initiatives to cut the graft and waste out of our government surely must have some vested interest in keeping it. For example, running our schools or education system on the Federal level has proven ineffective and wasteful. Education should be returned to the states. Local control is always more effective, test results have proven this over and over again. Federal administrators and unions are the beneficiaries of Federally run education programs, not the children or students. This is behind promotion of protest rallies against the President’s initiatives.
Finally, I must say the Standard-Examiner continues to use very liberal news sources such as the AP and commentators that ignore common sense as a rule of thumb in discussing issues of our day. Censorship of the news and incomplete information does not lend to a healthy society, and runs contrary to the purpose of enlightenment. Let us have both sides to the issues every day, not just occasionally. No serious, intellectually honest individual sees Trump and Musk as Fascists or as seeking money or power in their efforts to transform and make more efficient Federal government programs and services. Yet published commentaries continue to support that they are. Former Presidents were not nearly so scrutinized for their directives to increase wasteful spending of tax dollars as is President Trump, who seeks better and more efficient use of the nation’s resources.
Darrel Thompson