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Letter: Representative Rosemary Lesser, a truly responsive legislator

Sep 27, 2024

I am a grateful and appreciative constituent of State Representative Rosemary Lesser. Not only has Representative Lesser done an excellent job of bringing her expertise as a medical doctor to address healthcare concerns, and successfully passed important bills with bipartisan support, she is also an incredibly responsive legislator. When I raise concerns about issues before the state legislature, she listens carefully to my perspectives. When I ask about her position on an issue or a bill, she responds with honesty and transparency.

I’m not alone in experiencing this responsiveness from Representative Lesser. I’m a recently retired Weber State professor. For one of the courses I taught, students needed to track down their own state legislators and ask for their stance on a bill or issue before the legislature that session. Each student chose the bill they asked about, and did their own homework, familiarizing themselves with the various arguments about the issue. The goal was for students to get familiar with the legislative process, the bills being addressed, and with their own legislators, including interacting with them as constituents. Over the years I used this assignment, while a number of legislators responded, I noticed an increasing number of students not hearing back from their legislators, despite numerous attempts to contact them. Rep. Lesser was never among those lawmakers. The students who lived in Rosemary’s district consistently commented on how very responsive she was. For example, one student (who’s permitting me to share) wrote, “Rosemary Lesser truly cares about her constituents. When I had questions for a school project, I emailed her and was surprised by an immediate response.” She observed that some of her peers experienced delayed responses, “or even no response” from their legislators. The student continued, “Her swift email replies to any and all of my questions, and diligent follow-ups reflect her genuine care and commitment. Her kindness and genuine interest in her constituents’ concerns demonstrate her dedication to serving our community with empathy and efficiency.”

Please help me reelect Representative Rosemary Lesser, a truly responsive legislator!

Carla Trentelman
