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Letter: Not supporting Cox after inappropriate stunt at cemetery

Sep 9, 2024

I spent 20 years on active duty with the Air Force as a medic. In those years, which included time in Special Forces, I risked my life many times in combat and under other austere conditions. I once wore a patch on my uniform that read: “That Others May Live.” I embraced those words on each dangerous mission I flew to rescue my injured comrades. Sadly, sometimes the mission was a recovery of the remains of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

I was enraged by our governor’s actions at Arlington National Cemetery when he violated federal law and desecrated the hallowed ground with his political fundraising stunt. He’s fortunate the Army chose not to prosecute him. Gov. Cox knew when he joined former President Trump’s team at the cemetery that any laws or rules of decency would be ignored. Trump is, after all, a felon with multiple convictions. He’s also a man with a long history of degrading veterans like Senator John McCain and Gold Star families. As president, he asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades. During a visit to a war cemetery in Europe he referred to the fallen Americans as losers and suckers. This sentiment has been authenticated by a Marine Corp General and his former Chief of Staff.

I was distressed to see a photograph of grinning politicians giving a thumbs up at a gravesite for a fallen American. Who does that? It’s a solemn ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, not a ride at Disneyland. When I saw my own governor in the photo I didn’t feel proud to be a Utahn (or welcome here any longer).

I forgive Gov. Cox for his poor judgment and indiscretion. But I won’t support him. I’m tired of the negative attacks on our great nation by radicalized politicians. I’ll choose a moderate candidate who supports my values. This year look for the (D) next to their name. It stands for democracy and decency.

John Nelson, MSgt, USAF (ret)

Salt Lake City


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