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Letter: Trump harmed America once and could do it again

Oct 25, 2024

Imagine if that was your child shot in a shooting or taken from you and never reunited. Think of your parent who is ill, but cannot afford his medication. What if your child is gasping for breath because of asthma (due to air pollution) and you can’t afford the co pay for the doctor, or you don’t have any insurance. Note the increases in cancers among younger adults, possibly caused by junk food, plastics, pollution. In his four years in office, Trump did nothing to help these situations and his policies worsened them. His bully pulpit for coal did not see a rise in production, and if he has four more years, he has promised to remove all regulations for oil and gas drilling, which will increase poor air quality, pollution, destructive natural disasters and raise food prices. He eviscerated over 100 environmental regulations and promises to gut the rest if he comes into office. He promises to remove all illegal Hispanics who are our hidden workforce, and have added to our culture, menus, and sense of family. He has also promised to go after his enemies. The last four years have been destructive to civil society. Because of Trump’s rhetoric and ceaseless tirades about broken elections (none proven), people are emboldened to threaten and harass government workers who are just doing their jobs. Hate crimes are up, and we have had over 260 school shootings because, in part, he stopped gun regulations. He promises four years of retaliation against his supposed enemies and this time it will be worse, because he will surround himself with loyalists. I don’t understand how any person who cares about their family and their country could vote for him or support his allies.

Patty Becnel
