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Letter: Harris’ positions run counter to biblical guidance

Oct 25, 2024

In the article titled “Some Christians say VP Harris is under influence of a Jezebel spirit,” Isabella V and Michelle S make the statement “(VP) Harris is a Christian and a Baptist.” In earlier news reports, media sources mentioned a Harris support group called “Evangelicals for Harris.”

When analyzing a person’s claim to Christianity, it is wise to see if their behavior and their stances line up with known biblical truths. During a recent speech, two young Christians in the audience shouted, “Jesus is Lord, Jesus is King.” Their point was to counter Ms. Harris’s stance on abortion. Rather than acknowledge the truths about Jesus, Ms. Harris gently but firmly scolded the young men with “you are in the wrong crowd” or such. Most Christians would have acknowledged the truths about Jesus, i.e. “yes, He is Lord” and then moved on.

Ms. Harris’s position on abortion is in direct contrast to numerous scriptures including Psalm 139. King David said “You/God knew me in my mother’s womb, You formed and covered me, You knew my days before they began, etc.” In the womb, David was a “me”, not a tissue, not a fetus, etc. We all know the Bible’s stance on taking a life.

Ms. Harris’s stance on transgenderism is another example of an anti-biblical stance. There are other stances and actions that clearly would not be associated with someone following and honoring the Bible and God. Ms. Harris may claim an identity, but many of her stated policies and practices contrast with those of the Bible.

I do want to add that an unplanned pregnancy is an extremely difficult matter, with much love, support and care needed for the mother and child. Less than 5% of pregnancies involve rape, molestation, harm to the mother so leaving those aside, there are options to counter ending a pregnancy. Easy? No. Hurtful? Very potentially so. Should all of us support any woman in that situation, with money, care, support, time, concern, and more? Yes.

Gary Griffenhagen

South Ogden