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Letter: Follow the money before you vote in District 10

Oct 24, 2024

Are you still undecided whether to vote for Jill Koford or Rosemary Lesser in the race for House District 10 in the Utah legislature? Information about campaign contributions officially reported on the Lieutenant Governor’s website may help you decide. These figures include contributions reported through October 19, 2024.

In the current election cycle, Jill Koford has raised just over $164,000. Of that total, $100,000 was contributed by the Republican party or by PACs that are controlled by the Republican leadership of the Utah legislature. These are the people who sponsored Amendment D, which would have allowed the legislature to ignore the results of citizen ballot initiatives. Fortunately, the Utah Supreme Court recognized that Amendment D violated our constitutional right to reform our government, and declared it void.

The remaining $64,000 came from 136 donations by individuals or groups with an average donation amount of $473.

Rosemary Lesser has raised just over $165,000. Of that total, $9,500 was contributed by a PAC that is controlled by the Democratic leadership of the Utah legislature. Rosemary was one of the leaders of the opposition to Amendment D. She is an independent thinker who stood up to the legislature’s attempt to disregard the will of the people.

The remaining $156,000 came from 552 donations by individuals or groups with an average donation amount of $282.

Do you want to be represented by someone whose campaign is financed primarily by those in the legislature who tried to kill citizen ballot initiatives? If so, Jill Koford would be your choice.

Or do you want to be represented by someone who stood up for the voice of the people, and whose campaign is financed primarily by the citizens she has served selflessly for the past 4 years? They have rewarded her with over 500 individual contributions and thousands of hours of volunteer time. You can reward her, and continue being represented by her, with your vote.

Steve Jones
