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Letter: GOP must learn that trust is a two-way street

Oct 10, 2024

Utah Senate President Stuart Adams wants voters to trust the Republican led legislature to continue to fund education. Amendment A, however, would remove the constitutional requirement that income tax revenue is reserved for public education and services for children and people with disabilities.

I’ve always thought that if you want people to trust you, you should demonstrate that you trust them as well, but the Republican led legislature continues to demonstrate that they do not trust their constituents. They do not trust women or medical professionals when it comes to reproductive health care. They do not trust Utah conservation groups to protect the environment. They do not trust parents or medical professionals when it comes to caring for their transgender children. They do not trust individuals to use the appropriate bathroom for their gender. They do not trust universities or public schools to act in the best interest of their students, and they do not trust Utah voters to choose the best candidates by gerrymandering voting districts.

While the GOP led legislature boasts an $850 million reduction in taxes in 2023 and $167 million reduction in 2024, these tax cuts primarily benefited the wealthiest citizens. The Utah News Dispatch states that the 2024 tax cut will save the top 1% of earners $2,676 a year, while the bottom 20% of earners will save $24. It becomes clear that the GOP legislature is eager to help the wealthiest of its citizens. Education, which can be the great equalizer, should not be threatened by tax breaks for the wealthy.

Then most recently, the legislature attempted to deceive voters with Amendment D that would allow the legislature to repeal any citizen ballot initiative. Fortunately, the Utah Supreme court stepped in to nullify this amendment, protecting the citizens of Utah.

I will be voting against Amendment A, for it is clear to me that it is the Republican led legislature that cannot be trusted. If Utahns want to protect education, and eliminate the food tax, they should elect more Democrats to the Utah legislature.

Thom Priest
