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Letter: This election is a referendum on presidential character

Oct 7, 2024

I am offended by premises and conclusions that are all wrong, coming from those who support Kamala Harris.

When people go after Trump’s character, they glaringly give his opponent, whomever it is, a pass on the same subject. For example, opponent Kamala Harris has completely flip-flopped her own agenda publicly to win the election, with no record of doing the things she now proposes to do. In spite of having 43 months on record for what she truly, actually does, she now, incredibly gets nearly half of the country to believe she has changed? That is just awful thinking on the part of her supporters.

Trump’s character is that what you see is what you get, and his basic positions have not changed. His character includes a record of not seeking revenge upon those who have falsely accused him. His character includes being the most effective President in keeping major conflicts from breaking out due to his peace through strength agenda. His actual deeds as President are there for all to see, the effects of low inflation, low unemployment, energy independence, all these and more are a matter of history.

Trump’s character is what gives Americans hope. Kamala, who was never elected or chosen by voters, is a plant of rich, powerful men. She is a DEI candidate, and that’s just plain wrong and the real threat to democracy. Perhaps it is the character of the American voters that is really on trial now. Will they vote on the issues or on personalities? Kamala supporters are like junior high schoolers, shallow and vain. Republicans for Trump are the adults in the room.

Darrel Thompson
