Letter: Concerned about climate? Become a lobbyist
The Citizens’ Climate Lobby benefits you by 1. Putting you to work in effective action to promote clean energy. 2. Putting you in charge of your government.
When you hear the word, lobbyist, what comes to your mind? You might picture a lawyer or perhaps a former politician who works for a big corporation. Did you know that you can be a lobbyist? Imagine that. Picture yourself getting to talk about your concerns with your representatives. Perhaps you’re concerned about the steadily increasing intensity and frequency of the wildfires that fill our valleys with smoke now. Perhaps you’re concerned about the aridification of the American West and its impacts on water.
The Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonpartisan organization of citizen lobbyists. You get to meet your representatives on a regular basis, get to know them personally, and voice your concerns. You gain the confidence that we’re not just passive subjects of the powers that be. You get to remind them that they work for us too. They, with our direct involvement, represent our interests, our future.
Did you know there’s already a local chapter, such as the Utah Cache Valley chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby, near you?
Charles Ashurst