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Letter: Details for Box Elder High School’s Class of 1974 reunion

Jun 27, 2024

Box Elder High School Class of 1974 is excited to announce our 50 year class reunion. We are planning a casual welcome reception at Wingers on Friday, September 13, and a gala party and dinner at the Brigham Academy on Saturday, September 14, 2024. We’ll also have a hike to the “B” and pickleball on Saturday morning.

Full information and the registration form are available at https://forms.gle/poh8uJxXrXRX8pFk8, or join our Facebook group at BEHS Class of 1974. For questions, or to share contact information for yourself or other classmates, email the planning committee at behsclassof74@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing everyone in September.

Kim Sparkman and the BEHS Class of 1974 planning committee


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