Letter: The right to hear from candidates is essential to voters
We are nearing our final stretch on the municipal elections for 2023. The Weber County League of Women Voters has scheduled many debates/candidate question-answer forums. We have attempted to organize ones in Weber County, including small cities with new candidates.
There are a couple of these cities that appear to be uninterested in facing their constituents. While the new candidates respond and are interested, many of the incumbents show no interest. I must wonder why that is the case. If there are issues in a city — such as taxes, economic growth, and housing — why would the incumbents not be interested in addressing them? As a taxpayer, that tells me a lot.
We also have a non-partisan tool that allows citizens to see candidate’s answers to questions called Vote411. We have had a 50% response rate — which is actually good — but many of the smaller cities have candidates who don’t feel it is important. Go to vote411.org and put in your address and you can see responses if the candidate answered.
The definition of insanity is to continue repeating the same thing and expecting different results. If a candidate doesn’t look at situations from a different perspective and propose something different, nothing will change. You, as taxpaying citizens, deserve the right to hear them! There are so many complaints within our county and in cities, that we must get involved. Remaining comfortable will not effect change.
Municipal elections are non-partisan, and every citizen is represented by the people in office — regardless of party. Local citizens’ votes counts the most in local elections and the impact is very important. No person should say that “their vote doesn’t count” in local elections. That is actually where the impact on them and their family is the greatest. Please realize change starts at the bottom of the system — local elections — and take a moment to vote. Research candidates on Vote411 if you need information.
Terri McCulloch
President, Weber County League of Women Voters