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Letter: Ruing the treatment of retiring Weber High principal

Oct 2, 2023

This opinion regards Weber School District’s investigation of WHS Principal Chris Earnest.

Having been associated with Chris for over ten years at South Ogden Jr. H. S. where we both taught, I can attest to Ms. Earnest’s character and integrity. She has always exhibited fair and impartial judgment in her dealings with fellow educators. Moreover, she has shown an exemplary amount of leadership in her unbiased support of students.

To suffer a smear on her leadership abilities is not merited. While I believe your reporting of this matter has been fair and unbiased, I must emphasize that there are things the public may not know about Chris’s suitability as a high school principal; the very fact that she has been mischaracterized, not by you but by the circumstances of her placement on leave, is at best questionable. That this has resulted in her decision to retire is regrettable. We need people like Chris Earnest to lead our education system and now we have lost her.

Sandy Tanner



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