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Guest Commentary

Guest opinion: The Supreme Court in context

As the Supreme Court considers Donald Trump’s immunity claims, many commentators are deeply concerned. Writing in Politico, for example, Ankush Khardori asserted that, “There is good reason to remain worried about the conservative justices’ handling of the case so far, about how they ...

Kowalewski: As Utah grows, Great Salt Lake is ‘refuge’ worth protecting

June 1983 lake level: 4,204.70 feet The ’80s were a time of concern about too much water in the Great Salt Lake, which had just experienced its greatest seasonal rise in history. Up 5 feet from September 1982 to June 1983, it reached an all-time high of 4,211.85 feet in 1986. I know the ...

Guest opinion: Are 62% of Utahns ‘extremists’?

Labels like “far right” and “far left” get thrown around so much these days that they perhaps don’t mean anything anymore. How “far” one person’s worldview is from another’s is a matter of perspective. But if 62% of people agree on something, that’s the mainstream. This is ...

Johnston: A sense of direction

I carry some pride in having a sense of direction, knowing I can find my way from point A to point B based on a few coordinates. I make a point of trying to learn my way around new places, a foreign city or a backcountry path. I’m terrible at languages outside of English and have an awful ...

The Homefront: Glimpses of fatherhood from a son who’s now a father

The child who grows up in the care of a good father is a fortunate child. Three uncommon fathers have blessed my life: my own father, my husband — the father of our four children — and finally my son, the father of two of my grandchildren. As Father’s Day approaches, I asked this son ...