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Guest Commentary

Guest opinion: Why regulating AI is a losing battle

If artificial intelligence could be regulated with export bans, we’d have nothing to worry about — but that’s wishful thinking. The recent reports of China circumventing U.S. restrictions on AI technology through smuggling networks and front companies highlights a fundamental flaw in ...

Guest opinion: America’s nuclear ‘downwinders’ deserve justice

It’s been nearly 80 years since the first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico. Communities have been reeling ever since. For generations, Americans who live “downwind” of nuclear testing and development sites have suffered deadly health complications. And this summer, funding for the ...

Guest opinion: Travel math and other incidentals

I love to travel, but even I have to admit there are downsides, the worst of which is cost. Naturally, the farther away one goes, the more it costs, and one needs to consider whether it’s worth spending your retirement and your children’s college fund to get there (yes). To help you plan ...

Guest opinion: Congress’ misguided focus on PBMs will hurt employers

Across the state of Utah, small business owners like me know the importance of being able to provide our employees with affordable health care benefits. This allows us to be competitive in the labor force, and without comprehensive, affordable benefits, we would lose out on top talent. With 92% ...