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Guest opinion: Look closely at how well candidates will protect democracy

By Christina Ballif Parkinson - | Oct 19, 2024

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Christina Ballif Parkinson

I am very alarmed. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s presidency and now his candidacy, I see a disturbing increase in autocratic tendencies by Mr. Trump. These tendencies threaten our democracy and constitutional freedoms. Not content to just sit by, my husband and I, along with other concerned friends, created the website safeguarddemocracy.org, using the principles of “seek for truth, safeguard democracy, and maintain respect and civility.” The site has articles from trusted sources, essays about our principles, how to recognize authoritarian tendencies, and research into issues with evidence and sources. We are trying to do our best to help preserve the freedoms we hold dear.

In my search for understanding the issues, I started reading various newspapers and websites that desire to preserve democracy. I wanted to go beyond anecdotes and perceptions and get to principles, research and expert opinions of those who have studied these issues extensively. My study revealed that Trump’s actions correlated closely with authoritarian practices.

Because of my research, I am learning to listen better to politicians and their promoters. What are they really saying? Are they trying to build, or are they trying to destroy? Do their words promote peacemaking and cooperation, or stir up anger and division? What are their goals if they are given power? Will that power be used for the good of the country and its people? Will they respect the office they are given and bring dignity and respect to and for those institutions? Will they treat other allies with respect and seek to work for peace with our enemies while still defending the freedoms that come from the Constitution?

I am listening for evidence of authoritarianism from those running for office. Here are the tactics that authoritarians across the world have used for millennia: politicizing independent institutions, spreading disinformation, aggrandizing executive power, quashing dissent, scapegoating vulnerable communities, corrupting elections and stoking violence.

I see authoritarianism when leaders deliberately spread lies and encourage violence, when candidates say they won’t accept an election if they don’t win, when vulnerable groups like migrants or members of the LGTBQ+ community are dehumanized, when people are censored for having a different point of view than the party, when leaders try to use their power for their own gain or advantage, or when the judicial system is said to be corrupt because some don’t like the verdict. We have examples throughout history that when these authoritarian tactics are used, democracy is weakened and then even possibly destroyed.

I encourage you to do your own studying and thinking about where you stand on safeguarding our democratic principles and fighting authoritarianism. Consider sharing the website with others. In deciding who to vote for, can you put aside policies from both sides and look at character and integrity, willingness to keep the oath to the Constitution of the United States, respect for the rule of law, and efforts to preserve the precious freedoms of the United States? The consequences of your choice truly matter.

Christina Ballif Parkinson is the co-founder and co-creator of SafequardDemocracy.org and a member of Mormon Women for Ethical Government.