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Letter: Do Latter-day Saints show integrity if they vote for Trump?

Jul 23, 2024

There was a great article by Ryan Comer in the Standard on July 20 called “The importance and power of integrity.” While focused on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints members, it applies to all Christians as well. Concerning integrity, he quotes Elder Jack N. Gerard, “You understand that there is a right and a wrong and there is absolute truth … Integrity means we do not lower our standards or behavior to impress or to be accepted by others. You ‘do what is right’ and ‘let the consequences follow.'” Mr. Comer continues “saying we have integrity is insufficient if our actions are inconsistent with our words… As a covenant people, and as leaders of his church, we must be beyond reproach and aligned with the standards the Lord has set.” The article also states that President Henry B. Eyring taught that lying “is contrary to the nature of our spirits, our divine identity.”

My question to my Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints friends is, What integrity will you have if you support a proven adulterer, proven serial liar, Donald Trump, Jr., for President? Are you willing to lower your standards that far, willing to ignore what you know to be right and wrong, solely to achieve an earthly, transient, political goal?

Donald Carper



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