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Letter: Time to get tough with child abusers

Aug 10, 2024

I am sick and appalled at the torture and murder of Gavin Peterson. The Utah school system failed him and his loved ones by allowing his stepmother to remove him from public school and homeschooling him all because she was reported for abuse.I am sick and tired of child abusers getting off with their despicable crimes and atrocities against children. I don’t care what they say about Tyler Peterson, either. He is a full grown adult and he could have stopped all this abuse inflicted upon his younger brother but he chose to partake in it. I have no sympathy at all for him.

I feel that the correct punishment for Shane and Tyler Peterson should be life in prison without parole and the death penalty for the stepmother. Stop giving plea deals and stop giving light sentences. These three need to be made an example of and Gavin and his loved ones deserve justice.

Brandon Harris

Boonville, Indiana


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