The opposition was striking. Conservative and progressive groups alike fought it fiercely. Even a Republican lawmaker resisted it.
Still, a newly unveiled bill that would create a powerful new state body called the Beehive Development Agency survived its first legislative hurdle on Monday. ...
ROY — The Roy Police Department has determined that a report regarding a possible abduction over the weekend was made mistakenly and the incident was a misunderstanding.
Concerns were raised within the community after police released a notice regarding a possible child abduction/suspicious ...
OGDEN — Next month, Weber State University will continue its tradition of celebrating the culture of indigenous peoples.
The 45th annual Indigenous Voices Pow Wow — presented by the Native American Student Association and Student Success Center at WSU — will be held at Dee Events Center ...
In an effort to provide environmentally friendly disposal options, promote sustainability and prolong the life of the local landfill, three Davis County cities — Clearfield, Sunset and Syracuse — are implementing automatic, citywide green waste and recycling programs.
Households in ...
Marriott-Slaterville's Matthew Lefthand — a marriage and family therapist by trade — made waves on the ultra-distance cycling scene last month, setting a record for the most documented miles traveled by an American cyclist during a 24-hour, nondrifting race.
Lefthand's record-setting run ...
Despite loud opposition from Utah’s legal professionals and the judiciary itself, the Utah Senate on Friday approved a bill to require the chief justice of the state’s highest courts to be appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate — and be subject to reappointment every four ...