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Red Cross of Utah holding blood drive to honor memory of Clinton boy

By Ryan Aston - Standard-Examiner | Mar 11, 2025

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A blood drive honoring Clinton's McKay Hansen will be held Thursday, March 13, 2025. Hansen passed away in 2024 at the age of 13.

CLINTON — For much of his life, McKay Hansen relied on the generosity of blood and platelet donors amid his fight against cancer. The Clinton boy was diagnosed at just 3 years old with Stage 4, high-risk neuroblastoma. Now, one year after his passing at the age of 13, Hansen’s family and the Red Cross of Utah are organizing a blood drive in his honor to help others in need.

The event will take place Thursday from 1-7 p.m. at the Clinton Utah West Stake, located at 1828 N. 3000 West.

“Our family is forever grateful to the selfless blood donors who gave McKay the gift of more time. These donations not only helped sustain him but allowed us to create life-long memories we wouldn’t have had otherwise,” said Shae Hansen, McKay’s mother, in a release.

McKay underwent 244 blood and platelet transfusions over the course of his life, treatments that became critical when his bone marrow failed during his final months.

Blood transfusions are essential for many patients battling cancer, blood disorders, traumatic injuries and more. Michael Smauldon, executive director of the Red Cross Northern Utah Chapter, urged prospective donors to make blood and platelet donations in McKay’s honor.

“This blood drive is a heartfelt way to honor McKay’s legacy and highlights the critical importance of blood and platelet donations in saving lives,” Smauldon said in a release. “With recent severe weather leading to over 30,000 uncollected blood donations nationwide, we encourage everyone to consider donating to ensure patients in need receive these vital resources.”

Currently, there’s an emergency shortage of platelets as well as type-O blood.

Donation appointments can be scheduled through the Red Cross Blood Donor App, at https://www.redcrossblood.org/ or by calling 1-800-733-2767 and using “clintonwest” as the sponsor code. In addition to helping save lives, all blood donors in March will receive a free A1C diabetes screening and a $10 Amazon.com gift card via email.

Starting at $4.32/week.

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