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Northern Wasatch Home Builders Association donates food, supplies to school teen centers

By Ryan Aston - | Mar 20, 2025
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Donations from the Northern Wasatch Home Builders Association are delivered to the teen center at Bonneville High School on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

On Wednesday morning, representatives from the Northern Wasatch Home Builders Association and its charitable foundation delivered donations of food and other supplies to a pair of Weber County schools.

The mission: to help students contending with homelessness and other crises. To that end, deliveries were made to the teen center at Bonneville High School and the food pantry at South Ogden Junior High.

“We had reached out to them to learn that they were 100% dependent on donations and they were short on supplies,” NWHBA Charity Committee Chair Suzy Hassell told the Standard-Examiner. “So, we helped raise money to hopefully put a smile on some kids’ faces that are going through horrible times.”

NWHBA donated $1,000 in items to both schools, including food and snacks and, for Bonneville’s teen center specifically, toiletries, pencils, notebooks and feminine hygiene products, according to Hassell.

During the past year, Weber School District has worked to build and open teen centers at all of its high schools. These centers offer students access to individual and family support services as well as private showers and bathrooms, food and hygiene supplies, laundry facilities, dedicated study space and more.

Following a June ribbon-cutting event, Bonneville’s teen center officially opened in October. Assistant Principal Cari Fredrickson told the Standard-Examiner that 20 to 30 students are visiting the school’s teen center and taking advantage of its amenities and services daily.

“We have teachers who come here after their contract hours and they will help tutor students or help them with any homework that they have,” Fredrickson said. “So, it has been kind of great for that aspect, kids needing extra help.”

Fredrickson added that donations from organizations like NWHBA play a key role in the center’s operation.

“We’re just so grateful for donations that we receive, because kids go through stuff a lot, which is fantastic,” she said. “But it does help us be able to have those things available for students. So, we just love donations. We love that kids are accessing the facility and feel comfortable doing so.”

Beyond supporting schools, NWHBA is involved in various charitable initiatives, both through nominations and direct outreach. Other efforts include a “Build a Christmas” program aiding families around the holidays, school lunch debt relief, helping to build homes for those in need and more.

For more information, go to https://www.nwhba.net/charitable-foundation/. Those interested in donating to NWHBA’s charitable efforts can email Hassell at Suzanne.hassell@zionsbank.com.


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