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Clearfield, Sunset and Syracuse to implement automatic green waste, recycling programs

By Ryan Aston - | Mar 2, 2025

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A green waste can.

In an effort to provide environmentally friendly disposal options, promote sustainability and prolong the life of the local landfill, three Davis County cities — Clearfield, Sunset and Syracuse — are implementing automatic, citywide green waste and recycling programs.

Households in Clearfield will be enrolled in the city’s new green waste program, which begins next month and will run during the spring and summer. Green waste cans will cost an additional $10.50 per month and will function as regular, second garbage cans during off months (December through March).

Residents who wish to opt out of the program must do so by March 14 at https://tinyurl.com/3r8jkrzc/. Those who opt out post-deadline will incur a $25 cancellation fee. Otherwise, cans will be delivered at the end of April and the city will begin billing in May.

“By choosing to participate in the green waste program, residents are helping to extend the lifespan of our local landfill by diverting organic materials to be composted. We thank our residents for their efforts to increase waste diversion in our community,” a Clearfield City statement read.

“It was the residents who prompted the creation of the green waste program. The city council received multiple requests for a green waste program, and we’re excited to answer the needs of our community. It is admirable that Clearfield citizens want to extend the life of the landfill by diverting waste.”

Meanwhile, Sunset and Syracuse are instituting recycling programs, but will not be offering an opt out.

Sunset’s bundled garbage and recycling program will begin this summer; blue recycling bins will be delivered starting in June with all bins expected to be delivered by July 1. The new bundled rate of $23.65 monthly won’t take effect until individual blue bins are delivered. Those already enrolled in the city’s recycling program will not see a change in their monthly bill.

Residents who don’t want to participate in the program are being asked to wait until Aug. 1 — or one month after bin delivery — to return their blue bins. However, they’ll still be subject to the bundled charge.

“As part of our efforts to give residents ample notice, we’ve planned a City Council meeting on March 4, 2025, where representatives from both ACE Disposal and Wasatch Integrated will be present to share information and answer questions,” Sunset City Deputy Recorder Sarah Markel told the Standard-Examiner via email.

Syracuse’s curbside recycling program begins in April, bringing with it an additional $4 charge each month. As with Sunset, residents who don’t wish to participate will still be subject to the bundled charge. Unwanted bins will be accepted for return after May 12.

Individuals not reasonably capable of paying the increased charge may be given hardship waivers, provided their income is below 150% of the poverty level.

For more information on these respective programs, go to https://clearfield.city/2025/02/18/clearfield-citys-green-waste-program/, https://sunset-ut.com/bundled-recycling-garbage-info/ or https://www.syracuseut.gov/551/Recycling/.

Starting at $4.32/week.

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