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Tech Matters: How to get more out of notes on your iPhone

If you use the Notes app on your iPhone, you know how easy it is to jot down ideas, agendas, lists for an upcoming project and more. Notes is included with your phone, it’s free to use and may have more to offer than you know — it’s like having a handy notebook and pen with you at all ...

Fischer: Real estate terms to help you up your Scrabble game

Nearly every profession comes equipped with a unique vocabulary. These are “real” words that likely appear in the dictionary and are recognized as valid by prescriptive grammarians, who follow the rules for formal standard English. This is a term used to describe a type of English ...

Tech Matters: New threat to mobile banking apps demystified

Researchers at ThreatFabric have identified a new strain of Android mobile banking malware called Brokewell that can steal a wide swath of data from a user’s device and take control of these infected devices. The group responsible for the new malware has made no secret of its latest product, ...

Layin’ it on the Line: The importance of finding a purpose in retirement

Retirement marks a significant transition in life, offering a unique opportunity to explore new avenues and discover a renewed sense of purpose. While leaving the workforce can initially seem daunting or uncertain, many retirees find this phase of life to be incredibly fulfilling by identifying ...