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Conference Counsel: Progression requires dealing with uncertainty

I’ve recently been pondering the scope of Heavenly Father’s wondrous plan of salvation. The progression element of it is fascinating to me. Harold B. Lee, former president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said the following: “One day a young Sunday School teacher ...

Weber State student working on dual major battles through cancer diagnosis

OGDEN — While battling cancer, Weber State University student Mary Abbott spent a lot of time judging herself and how she was responding to things in her life. “I shouldn’t be angry. I shouldn’t be sad. I shouldn’t be tired. I shouldn’t be struggling so much. This shouldn’t be so ...

Conference Counsel: Choosing to not be too busy for God

When I was a teenager, I was told by someone to avoid using the words “I forgot.” This person told me that “I forgot” is just an excuse 90% of the time, and that should a situation occur where I truly do forget, I should think of something better to say. I have remembered those words ...

Conference Counsel: Assisting God’s work by serving others

In one of his final addresses at a general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President M. Russell Ballard, then acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the church, shared a story that recently came to my mind. In an April 2023 talk titled ...

Conference Counsel: Trials are necessary for eternal progression

Have you ever had the type of dream that you feel sad when you wake up from because you wished it was real life? I had one of those dreams several years ago. It was right around Thanksgiving just about a year after my wife passed away. I can’t remember all that was going on in this dream, ...

Conference Counsel: The beginning of a ‘momentous’ decade

One of the many aspects of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that has resonated with me over the years is the focus on missionary work. It’s always struck me that if everything the church teaches about the plan of salvation is true, then it’s absolutely necessary for the ...