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Happy 80th Birthday!: Gary W. Stewart

By Staff | Mar 15, 2020

Gary W. Stewart was born March 11, 1940, the fifth child of Earl W. and Hollis Phillips Stewart. He attended schools in Ogden, graduating from Ogden High School in 1958. He worked for about two years for the Southern Pacific Railroad in the shops. He graduated from Utah State University as an Electrical/Electronics Engineer 1964.

Received his commission in the U.S. Army as a 2nd Lt, in the Signal Corps being assigned to Fort Gordon, Georgia, Ft. Huachuca Arizona, and finished his career as a Captain while serving in Vietnam.

Moved about 40 years ago to Fruit Heights, Utah and built his own home. He was employed at Hill Air Force Base retiring in 1995 after 30 years of service. Later worked for Westest Engineering for another 15 years. Has been great at fixing and repairing many things including television repair, restoring Mustang cars, and the past few years has been part of The Church of Jesus Christ extraction program having indexed or arbitrated over 1.6 million names. Also served as a counselor in the bishopric in the Ogden 27th and 44th wards. Service has been the focus of his life.

He has been married to Carol Christensen for 55 years. They are the parents of four children, Shelli, Dave (Nicole), Sheri (Steve) Irvine, Scott (Anita). Currently have 16 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren with one more expected. Family means everything to them.

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