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Stossel: Destructive environmentalists

People eagerly give money to rich environmental groups. The Natural Resources Defense Council has $463 million in assets. It claims it uses law "to confront the climate crisis." What it really does is pay lawyers to torture people who try to do useful things. Example: America needs minerals ...

Stiehm: Trump serves revenge, dares Senate to defy

"Julius Caesar did not seize power; the Roman Senate ceded power to Caesar." — Sen. Robert C. Byrd Let that be a lesson to us from the West Virginian's grave. Donald Trump promised to be a dictator on day one. Yet we missed his meaning: the first day after the election. Right away, we felt ...

Williams: Why are we ignoring the American hostages in Gaza?

Do you remember a time when Americans cared that their fellow citizens had been kidnapped and held captive by terrorists? I do. Think back to 1979, when Iranian terrorists stormed the American embassy in Tehran. They held more than 50 Americans hostage for 444 days. And we cared. The ...

Roberts: Reign of wolves

At the end of one of the most well-known of Aesop’s fables, many innocent sheep are eaten alive by a wolf. It didn’t have to end that way. The villagers nearby were ready and able to protect the flock. So why didn’t they? Because the messenger whose job it was to warn them lost ...

Guest opinion: Voters sound alarm on rising energy costs

American voters soundly rejected Bidenflation at the ballot box. In an ABC exit poll, 67% of Americans said the economy is in “bad shape.” That shouldn’t be too surprising, though, since inflation is wiping out many family budgets. But what’s driving all of this budget-busting ...

Letter: Shocked by display of Trump flag at Veterans Day parade

On Saturday the 9th of November the city of Layton held their annual Veterans Day Parade to the delight and enjoyment of all especially us veterans who stepped up to do our manly and patriotic duties. And while I drove by looking for a parking spot, I noticed a young man waving a giant Trump ...