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Pair of League of Women Voters events set for this week

Residents of Weber and Davis counties are invited to a pair of voter engagement events as the 2024 general election approaches. On Wednesday, the Weber County League of Women Voters will hold a voter engagement workshop at the Weber State Community Education Center in Ogden from 6-8:30 p.m. Meanwhile, on the same night, the League of Women Voters of Davis County will be holding a panel discussion on education funding amendments on the 2024 ballot at the Davis County Library's main branch in Farmington from 6-8 p.m. Terri McCulloch, president of the Weber County League of Women Voters, ...

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Letter: Don’t be fooled by alarmist climate predictions

I would like to respond to a Letter by a Jean Lown published on or about September 6th, 2024 entitled: “Act now to demand climate reform.” This entire, global scam of what used to be called “Global Warming” and now replaced with “Climate Change,” has many people confused. The ...

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