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Roy Police say reported possible abduction was 'misunderstanding'

ROY — The Roy Police Department has determined that a report regarding a possible abduction over the weekend was made mistakenly and the incident was a misunderstanding. Concerns were raised within the community after police released a notice regarding a possible child abduction/suspicious circumstances in the area of 2500 W. 4950 South on Sunday afternoon in Roy. According to the release, at about 3:29 p.m., a witness reported seeing a black four-door SUV pull up to a 12- to 13-year-old juvenile male walking on the sidewalk. An adult male reportedly got out of the SUV, made contact ...

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Letter: Churches’ broad power puts them above the law

People don’t realize it, but church denominations function very much like political parties. In America churches have been given a lot of religious freedom. With a lot of money in their coffers and ambitious men in leadership positions, they often feel like they are above the law. Churches ...

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