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Remote work for state employees in Utah could be changing

Changes to remote work could be coming for state employees in Utah. Gov. Spencer Cox told reporters at his monthly news conference Thursday that the state is looking at ways to save taxpayer money and will continue to evaluate the state’s telework policy. In 2018, Utah started a pilot program to alleviate commuter costs and save money on expensive office spaces and construction. Over the past couple of years, Cox said, the state has been bringing more people back to the office. Employees are required to be in the office at least two days per week, while supervisors must be there for ...

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Letter: Problem with GSL water-saving plan

It's a great feeling to be self-sufficient. To make yourself more dependent seems a bit off, to me. But that's what our "save the GSL" people are suggesting. They say we grow 94% of all the hay and alfalfa we need for our cattle/dairy farms. That means we already need to import 6%. They'd like ...

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