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Volunteer opportunities available at local organizations

If you are interested in volunteering and do not see what interests you, please call us as we have many more opportunities available and will help you find what interests you and best uses your skills. If your organization is in need of volunteers, please give us a call.  Northview Senior Activity Center is looking for a beginning quilting teacher. Washington Terrace Senior Center is looking for kitchen help on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 11-2. They also need a ceramics teacher for Wednesday and Fridays 9-12. Hill Air Force Base - The Retirees Activities Office is ...

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Letter: How could Latter-day Saints vote for Trump?

How could people of my faith, members of the LDS Church, support a man so vile that, among other behaviors, he would simulate a sex act at a rally attended by thousands and viewed by millions? How does one explain to their children a vote for such a person? How do members of my faith endorse a ...

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