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Retooling presidential nomination process could give Western states a voice, former Utah gov says

In the race to become the presidential nominee for either major party, the nation looks to states in the East before the question can be considered in the West. As former Utah Gov. Gary Herbert sees it, that can make it harder for candidates from Western states to win the White House. “I think our system for electing a president has its own challenges, and consequently, it probably is more biased towards electing somebody from the East than it is from the West,” Herbert said in a conversation with the Western Governors’ Association, PBS Books and the Bipartisan Leadership ...

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Letter: We must replace those who attempt to silence us

I received a flyer in the mail today from Utah Senator John Johnson, Senate District 3. He extols his political accomplishments and asked to be voted back into office again. No!!! In the flyer he did not mention his role in banning books in Utah public schools. He voted for the law, which went ...

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