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LDS faith pushes ahead with global temple building boom despite cool reception in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS — A historic building boom of big, bright Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temples — beacons to the faithful with steeples pointing heavenward around the world — is meeting resistance in some parts of the U.S., including one place not really known for moderation. In Las Vegas, just a 30-minute drive from glittery casinos, homeowners in a rural foothills neighborhood complain the size and lighting of a temple that won city approval will forever change the dark-sky environment. Some say they feel trampled, and that church and city officials rushed to approve the ...

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Letter: Gadianton robbers are in DC, but Trump isn’t one of them

Regarding the Guest Commentary by Matthew Miller of September 28-29: The Standard Examiner headline is correct—the Gadianton robbers are here. But, whatever you may say about Donald Trump, he is NOT a Gadianton robber. He can’t keep a secret, he can’t play in the sandpile with others, ...

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