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Hill Air Force Base testing indoor air for contaminants from groundwater vapor

As summer gives way to the fall/winter heating season, Hill Air Force Base will resume its testing of indoor air from homes and businesses in communities where historical practices at the base resulted in the chemical contamination of shallow groundwater. While that groundwater is not used for drinking, residents in pocket areas of Weber and Davis counties potentially could be exposed to chemicals like trichloroethylene, or TCE, via vapor intrusion. Vapor intrusion occurs when vapor-forming chemicals migrate from a subsurface source into an overlying building. Shallow plumes — ...

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Letter: Utah Legislature, governor making poor decisions

We must have the worst legislature ever! They want to be able to repeal or amend any ballot initiative presented by the voters on November's ballot! The legislature seems to be a bunch of old men who want total control over what we think! This sounds like how Putin controls the people of ...

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