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Utah Supreme Court to decide whether Amendment D will stay voided or be revived

There’s a chance the controversial constitutional Amendment D on Utah’s Nov. 5 ballot — voided last week by a district court judge — may come back from the dead. Over the weekend, the Utah Supreme Court agreed to hear the Utah Legislature’s appeal. In an order issued Saturday, the court scheduled a hearing for oral arguments Sept. 25. Amendment D would ask voters to sidestep the Utah Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Utah Constitution that limited the Legislature’s powers to repeal and replace government-reform initiatives and instead rewrite it to enshrine ...

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Letter: America was and will be better off under Trump

To a recent contributor who served in our military I say "Thank you for your service." Although I did not serve due to medical issues, I am also a true patriot. I truly respect your service to this great country called America, the land of the free because of the brave. Some gave all. However, ...

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