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Watchdogs ask judge to remove from Utah ballots a measure that would boost lawmakers' power

Government watchdog groups in Utah are asking a judge to remove from November's ballot a measure that would bolster lawmakers' power. The question would amend the state constitution to allow lawmakers to change citizen-initiated ballot measures after they have passed. It would also give citizen initiative efforts more time to gather signatures and bar foreign influence on ballot measures. The legal filing is the latest episode in a long-running tug-of-war over control of the legislative and congressional maps but could have implications for other areas covered by citizen-initiated ...

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Letter: What do we want?

Take a good long look at both parties. Then take a look a California. Personally I don't want to live under that kind of government. That is what Harris wants for us, plus more open borders. Giving more illegals everything free and we pay for it. Give them the right to vote. Places like New ...

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