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US Rep. John Curtis wins Utah GOP primary for Romney’s open seat, while Gov. Spencer Cox also wins

PROVO, Utah (AP) — A pair of moderate Utah Republicans won primary elections Tuesday for U.S. Senate and governor over far-right candidates who are loyalists to former President Donald Trump, the latest example of how Utah is a rare Republican stronghold that doesn’t fully embrace the MAGA-led GOP. U.S. Rep. John Curtis, who won the Utah GOP primary for Mitt Romney’s open U.S. Senate seat, and Gov. Spencer Cox still support Trump and many of his policies but have shown a willingness to stake out different positions on issues where they don’t agree. Curtis and Cox both ...

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Letter: Police should target street racers, not elderly women

I have a question for the North Ogden Police Dept. Why is nothing being done about the cars racing up and down north Washington every night — screeching and howling and making the public nervous, to say nothing about the sound? Where are your police officers? Could they be giving a ...

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