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US Rep. John Curtis wins Utah GOP primary for Romney’s open seat, while Gov. Spencer Cox also wins

PROVO — U.S. Rep. John Curtis has won the Utah GOP primary for Mitt Romney’s open U.S. Senate seat, defeating one opponent who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump and others who said they supported Trump’s agenda. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, meanwhile, is likely to win a second term after he beat his primary challenger on Tuesday. The 64-year-old Curtis lost the official party nod at the state GOP convention but won as expected Tuesday after he qualified for the primary ballot by gathering signatures. That route to victory has become common for more moderate Republicans who ...

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Letter: Biden and Garland flaunting the separation of powers

The recent vote of Congress to find Merrick Garland in contempt brings up this issue of the Constitution and our form of government in the United States of America. Three "separate but equal" divisions of our government were set out as the Executive (President), Legislative (Senate and ...

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